Khalifa: Journal of Islamic Education
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Becoming a memorizer (hafizd) of the Quran is not an easy matter, because it requires sincere intentions, sincerity, determination, hard work, strong motivation and of course using the right method. Regarding the method of memorizing the Quran, there are actually many methods that can be chosen and implemented when someone memorizes the Quran. This study aims to identify whether the method of memorizing the Quran used by teachers in guiding students in memorizing the Quran at the Quran memorizing institution Fastabiqul Khairat Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Sources of data were taken through in-depth interviews with five informants (teachers and students), to support the interview data the author also conducted observations and directly interacted with informants in various Quranic activities at the research location. All interview results were then analyzed thematically using NVivo12 qualitative analysis software. The research findings found five methods used by teachers in guiding students in memorizing the Quran. The five methods are: i) <em>Talaqqi</em> Method, ii) Sima’i, iii) <em>Wahdah</em>, iv) <em>Kitabah</em>, and v) <em>Talqin</em>. In addition, the research findings also prove that the selection of the right method has succeeded in delivering successful students to become a memorizer (hafizd) of the Quran.Fuady Anwar, Muhammad Fikri Taqiyuddin, Krisna Wijaya, Muhamad Cholik Yuswara Azmi, Izharman Izharman
Copyright (c) 2022 Fuady Anwar, Muhammad Fikri Taqiyuddin, Krisna Wijaya, Muhamad Cholik Yuswara Azmi, Izharman Izharman, 28 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000Islamic Education Values on Nussa and Rara Youtube Channels in the Educate of Early Childhood
<p>There are many ways that can be used as media for educating children from a young age. One of them is to look at the youtube channel that is currently available. The youtube channel of Nussa and Rara is well known in the world of children because it provides content with Islamic values. The purpose of this study is to analyze the values of Islamic education on Nussa and Rara's youtube channels in educating early childhood. This study uses a qualitative method with a content analysis approach. The data source is from one of the films on the Nussa and Rara YouTube channels. The movie consists of 12 episodes with a total duration of 1 hour 11 minutes 33 seconds. In this research, the author uses the thematic method by using Nvivo 12 software as a data analysis method and tool. Overall, the results of the analysis show that there are twelve advantages of Nussa and Rara's YouTube channels in raising young children, including: (i) always remember Allah, (ii) respect parents, (iii) help each other, (iv) sharing, (v) think positively, (vi) be honest, (vii) civilized, (viii) responsibility (ix) be patient, (x) be grateful, (xi) apologize, (xii) do not waste. The results of this study can be used as an illustration that can help children in the developmental process and help parents in the selection of programs given to children.</p>Merve Islamoglu, Winda Trimelia Utami, Nabila Nurul Azizah, Diyaulmuhana Diyaulmuhana, Gabriel Rizky Rahmat Fernando
Copyright (c) 2022 Khalifa: Journal of Islamic Education, 22 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000Professional Mosque Management Model Based on Religious and Academic Activities in the Community
<p>This study aims to analyze how the Al Bariyah Mosque is managed as a professional mosque model in the community of Hajimena Natar village, South Lampung, Lampung Province, Indonesia. The research was carried out using a qualitative method with a case study approach (single-case study). Sources of data were taken to several informants through in-depth interviews. The writer also took data by observation and document analysis to strengthen the interview data. All data were then analyzed using the Miles and Huberman technique with the stages of collecting, reducing and analyzing data and drawing conclusions. Overall, the research findings found three forms of the Al Bariyah Mosque management process so that it becomes a professional mosque; the three approaches are i) direct supervision starting from planning to an evaluation of activities by mosque administrators, ii) involving the community activities in every planned mosque activity. , iii) establishing a transparent, professional and accountable mosque management. The findings in the study can be used as an example for other mosque administrators to manage mosques professionally in the community.<em></em></p>Riky Fernando, Tubagus Hasanuddin, Kordiyana K. Rangga, Dimas Duta Putra Utama
Copyright (c) 2022 Khalifa: Journal of Islamic Education, 28 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000Content Analysis of Islamic Educational Values in the Movie of Battle of Empires Fetih 1453
Muhammad Al-Fatih (1432-1481) is one of prominent Islamic figures who is famous for his phenomenal bravery in conquering Constantinople in 1453 AD. The history of the conquest could be read in various Islamic history books. The epic story is even filmed through the movie of Battle of Empires Fetih 1453. The movie undoubtedly brings positive vibes for its Islamic educational values. Thus, this article is aimed at exploring of any possible Islamic educational values attached in the movie. The exploration is conducted through qualitative method of content analysis approach. The data was collected was one of movie scene of Battle of Empires Fetih 1453. All data were then analyzed using the Miles and Huberman technique with the stages of collecting, reducing and analyzing data and drawing conclusions. It is finally found that there are fourten Islamic educational values in the movie; six Islamic educational values related to Aqidah, three values related to worshipping (Ibadah) aspects and five values related to Akhlak. This findings is expected to give any ideas of new Islamic learning resources; movies. Besides, it is also ecouraged that the values in the movie could be another inspiration for the forthcoming Islamic generation as a young Islamic generationAhmad Muhammad Ath-Thukhi, Erika Marianti, Samiullah Adel, Burhanuddin Burhanuddin, Zainul Arifin
Copyright (c) 2022 Khalifa: Journal of Islamic Education, 28 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000Integration Between Religion and Science in Islamic Studies in Integrated Islamic Junior High School
<p>This study aims to analyze how the integration of Islam and science in Islamic Religious Education subjects at the Integrated Islamic Junior High School in Batam City so far and to find out a model of the integration of religion and science in Islamic Religious Education subjects that are relevant to the context of the Integrated Islamic Junior High School in Batam City. To answer the research questions, the research approach used is a qualitative approach. Research data were collected using observation, interviews, and documentation. The collected data is then analyzed using a qualitative approach. The results of the analysis show that first, there has been no integration of religion and science in Islamic Religious Education subjects at the Integrated Islamic Junior High School in Batam City so far. Second, based on field data and analysis of the relevant literature, the researcher found a model of the integration of religion and science in Islamic Religious Education subjects that was relevant to the context of the Integrated Islamic Junior High School in Batam City. The model in question is a Two-Way Thematic model. With the design of this integration model based on problems and needs in the field as well as relevant theories, this model is considered capable of being a solution for the unimplemented integration of religion and science in Islamic Religious Education subjects at the Integrated Islamic High School in Batam City.</p>Asmaldi Asmaldi, Ilyas Husti, Zamsiswaya Zamsiswaya, Syafrimen Syafril
Copyright (c) 2022 Khalifa: Journal of Islamic Education, 28 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0000